In the video Devery Broox and his child is in a bathroom. We get a rare glimpse of a black father interacting with his son. Recently, a video posted online by a father, changed the ‘My momma would beat me if I did…’ line. These lines start with ‘my momma’ because in 2011, over 70 percent of African-American children are born to single mothers, according to government statistics.
There’s the classic joke line, ‘If I did this, my momma would slap the taste out of my mouth,’ and, ‘My momma would beat the black off of me.’ It’s been depicted in movies, songs, and even comedic lines.Įverybody knew Trey wouldn’t even think about leaving that front porch without permission from Furious Styles in Boyz N The Hood. Either you’ve been beaten or you’ve seen somebody beaten.
We’ve all been somewhere - a store, airport, office, salon - and seen a kid misbehaving and said to ourselves, ‘I wish that parent would beat their kid.’īlack children aren’t strangers to beatings.